Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Review Articles

Selcuk Health Journal is a publication of the Health Science Faculty of Selcuk University. It is published electronically in order to follow the developments in the field of health sciences and medicine, create a qualified resource in this field, and support the development of qualified academic publications in this field in our country. The journal is published 3 times a year (March, September, and December) in Turkish and English.

Research articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor written in the field of health services and health institutions management, health law, health tourism, public health, midwifery, social work, child development, physiotherapy, audiology, nursing, gerontology, speech and language therapy, nutrition and dietetics, emergency and disaster management, epidemiology and medicine are included in the Selcuk Health Journal.

General Informations
The editorial board may request that the articles submitted for publication be reviewed, and corrected, shortened or rearranged in order to comply with the writing rules. If an article submitted to the journal complies with the formal principles, it is published after the review of the editor and at least two referees, and after the necessary changes are made by the authors. Articles submitted for publication must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Abstracts presented at scientific meetings are accepted, provieded that they are indicated (given the name, place, and date of the congress) (Please indicate in editorial submission page).

Article Submission
Article submission is done “Online”. Article acceptance procedures are done on the Dergipark Academic ( Only articles submitted in this way are processed. You can follow all of the procedures for your articles at this address.

Scientific Responsibilities
All authors must have a direct academic-scientific contribution to the submitted article and accept the final version. Compliance of the articles with scientific rules is the responsibility of the authors.

Copyright Transfer Form
“Copyright Transfer Form” must be signed and scanned by all of the authors. “Copyright Transfer Form” must be uploaded as a separate file together with the article in the first stage uploading the article to DergiPark system. After the article is processed for scientific evaluation, the names and order of the authors indicated in the "Copyright Transfer Form" are taken as a basis. After this stage at any stage, the name of the author can not be added except for those who have signed the "Copyright Transfer Form" and the order of the authors can not be changed. Explanatory and written permissions of all the authors are obtained in order to remove the name of any of the article authors from the article. 

Statistical Evaluation
All of the retrospective, prospective and experimental research articles should be evaluated biostatistically and indicated with appropriate planning, analysis, and reporting.

Writing Language Check
Publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. It is important to use proper Turkish in articles written in Turkish. Therefore, the Turkish glossary of the Turkish Language Association or the address, as well as the glossary of terms belonging to their own branches of the Turkish medical association should be takin as a basis. English articles and English abstract should be checked by a professional language expert before submitted.

Writing Rules
Articles should be preapared in “.docx .doc” format in A4 size.
Page layout shoul be; Top: 4.5 cm, Bottom: 2.5 cm, Left: 2.5 cm and Right: 2.5 cm.
Articles should be written in 12 font size, and “Times New Roman” character using double-spaced.
After commas and dots, a character should be given space in the manuscript.
Indent should not be used in the paragraphs, before and after the paragraph should be given 6nk space.
Among the paragraphs should not be given space row.
In the article, main headings and subheadings should be numbered in bold and flush left (without indentation) in decimal form such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2.,
All letters of the main headings should be written in capitals, and only the initials of the subheadings should be written in capital letters.
Before the main headings, a row space should be given, after the heading should not be given space.
Both before and after the subheadings should not be given any space row.

Sections to be uploaded
Ethics Committee Approval Certificate
Copyright Transfer Form
Editorial Submission Page

(Editorial Submission Page)
It is the manuscript submitted by the responsible author of the article to the journal editor, in which the request for evaluation for publication in Selcuk Health Journal is stated. In this part, it should be indicated that part or all of the article hasn’t been published and isn’t in the process of being evaluated in a different journal at the same time, the “Financial Support And Conflict of Interest” status, language, and statistical control of the article were made. Oral ve and poster papers presented in congress should be indicated by giving the name of the congress, place and date on the title page.

Title Page
The title that includes the article should be indicated. The title page should be uploaded separate file from the article. The category of the article should be indicated at the top of the page (research article, case report, review, etc.). After all of the authors’ names and surnames are written, they should be numbered from 1 with a superscript and added under the names of the authors of the institution, clinic, city and country they work. The title page should be included the orcıd ID, and e-mail addresses of each author. On this page, the responsible author should be indicated, and added name, full address, and information on the telephone and e-mail (As per the format of our journal, if the language of the article is Turkish address information and institution of the author should be indicated in Turkish, if the language of the article is English, it should be indicated in English).

Each article should be included an abstract in Turkish and English.
Turkish abstract and key words should be start on a separate page and shouldn’t be more than 250 words.
The abstract’s title should be “Abstract” and the abstract should be separated into subheadings that “purpose”, “method”, “results”, and “conclusion”.
The key words shouldn’t be less than 3, more than 5.
Keywords should be selected from the "Turkish Science Terms" list (http://www.
Each of the keywords should be started with a capital letter; should be separated by semicolons and written in alphabetical order.
The key words in Turkish and English abstracts should be listed in alphabetical order of Turkish key words.
English abstract and key words should start on a separate page and shouldn’t be more than 250 words.
The abstract should be separated into subheadings that “purpose”, “methods”, “results”, and “conclusion”.
The English abstract and key words should be exactly the same as the Turkish abstract and keywords.
Keywords should be selected from the " MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)" terms.
Each of the keywords should be started with a capital letter; should be separated by semicolons and written in alphabetical order.
If the article is in English, Turkish key words should be listed in alphabetical order of English key words.

Main text
The main text of the article should be prepared by taking into account the writing rules determined according to the article types below. Since the main text will be reviewed by blind evaluators, the information of the person and the institution should not be included in the main text.

Letter to the Editor
It is an average of 1000 words containing different opinions, experiences and questions written for the purpose of criticism or contribution by the readers about the articles published in the journal in the last year. It can be published after the review and evaluation of the editorial board. There are no title and abstract sections.
The number of resources is limited to 10. It should be indicated to which article (giving number, date) it is dedicated, and the name, institution and address of the author should be included at the end. The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the authors of the article, again by publishing it in the journal.

Supporting Organization and Conflict of Interest
At the end of the article (after the conclusion), the persons and organizations that financially support the study and the conflict of interest of these organizations with the authors, if any, should be indicated. In case it is not; Supporting Organization: “There is no person/organization that financially supports the work.

Conflict of Interest:
It should be written as "Authors do not have any conflict of interest".

Thanks letter
If any, it should be written before the sources.

They should be numbered with Roman numerals according to the order of occurrence in the article (Table I), each of the tables should be added to a separate page after sources and the titles of each of the tables should be on the table. "Table I" in the table titles part should be written in bold, and other parts should be written in a normal tone and lowercase letters. The place where the tables are mentioned in the text should be indicated in parentheses in the most appropriate place.

They should be numbered with Arabic numerals (such as Figure 1, Figure 3) according to the order of occurrence in the article, and the locations of figures should be indicated in parentheses at the most appropriate place in the text. Figures should be added to the system as a separate .jpg or .gif file. Figures should be in color and clear to see details.


- Articles submitted to the journal; should be prepared in the American Psychological Association (APA) style in terms of the reference system, footnote format, and references
- Citations in the manuscript should be made as the surname of the author(s), the year of the source, and the page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author.
• Citation in single-authored publications: (Katar, 2001:28).
• Citation in publications with two authors: (Acar and Tetik, 2013:60).
• Citation in publications with three or more authors: (Şahin et al., 2010:55).
• Citation to more than one source: (Schumpeter, 1934:66; Wood, 2005:36).
• Citation for the full of the source: (Drucker, 2013).
• Citation for sources without author's name: (DPT, 2003:45).
- If the citation to be made is taken from a website and the author of the citation is determined, it should be cited similarly to the periodicals. If no date is given for the reference downloaded from the internet, the date of access to the relevant file should be used as the year of the reference. If the author of the citation is not known, the institution of the website and the year of access should be written in parentheses.
• Citation with the author's name and publication year: (Bebbington and Song, 2004).
• • Citation with unknown author's name and publication year: (Competition Institution, 2008).
- If more than one work of an author published in the same year is cited, the works should be indicated by giving letters a, b, c, next to the year.
• (Cherry, 2013a:30).
• (Cherry, 2013b:75).
- If the author's name is mentioned in a sentence, cited should be made as follows.
• According to Moran (2000:36), ….
- All source used in the article should be included in the references section. The sources used should be in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author, without distinction of qualification (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). Works by the same author should be placed in the references, starting with the "most recent" one. The references should be prepared in accordance with the examples given below.

- Books:
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). Title of the Book, Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Translation Books:
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). The Title of the Book, The Initial of the Translator's Name. Translator's Surname (Trans.), Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Edited Books:
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). “Chapter Title”, Editor's Initial. Editor's Surname (Ed.), Title of Book, in (Page Range of Chapter), Publication: Publisher.
- Articles
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). “Title of the Article”, Title of Journal, Volume (Issue), Page Range.
- Thesis
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). Title of Thesis, Master Thesis / Doctoral Thesis, Name of the University, Place of Publication.
- Symposium/Conferences:
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). “Title of Paper”, Name of Symposium/Conference, Organizing Institution, Organizing Date, Organizing Place, Page Range.
- Working Paper
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Year). Title of Working Paper, Working Text, Place of Publication.
- Websites
Author's Surname, Author's Initial. (Release date). Title, Internet Address. (Access Date: Date).

Articles Types

1. Research Article
Prospective-retrospective and all kinds of experimental studies conducted in clinics can be published. It should consist of the following sections:
• Abstract – Turkish and English
• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Sources of Supprt
• Conflict of Interest
• Acknowledgements
• References

2. Review
It can be prepared in direct consultation with the editorial board or to include the latest medical literature by invited authors. It should consist of the following sections:
• Abstract – Turkish and English
• Sub-headings related to the subject
• Sources of Supprt
• Conflict of Interest
• Acknowledgements
• References

3. Case Report
They are rarely seen articles that differ in diagnosis and treatment. It should consist of the following sections:
• Abstract – Turkish and English
• Introduction
• Case Report
• Discussion
• Sources of Supprt
• Conflict of Interest
• Acknowledgements

Ethical Responsibilites
The scientific contents and compliance with etic rules of the manuscripts is the responsibility of the author(s). Manuscripts that are approved by the Ethics Committee and comply with the Declaration of Helsinki are accepted for the journal. If an “animal” element is used in the study, the author(s) must indicate that in the “Method” part of the article, they protect animal rights in line with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( in their study and approved by the Ethics Committee of their institution. In studies with the "human" element, the author(s) must indicate that written informed consent has been obtained from individuals participating in the study in the submitted article. “Ethics Committee Approval Certificate” must be uploaded as a separate file together with the article in the first stage uploading the article to DergiPark system.

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